I am the chives. The chives are me.

Cripes, y’all. What a couple of years, huh? Did the time fly? Did it drag? Does time even exist anymore? What the hell even just happened? And I know it’s still happening….I do. But something else is hitting here……Did my hormones just balance out again? Am I finally actually hydrated? Oh wait….

It’s Spring.

Spring, man! It does this to me every single time. Just when I think I am fully aware of how terrible everything is, I start knowing in in my gut of guts that everything will get better. Just when I think that I couldn’t possibly have the energy or resources to do one more single thing, I cross another item off my to-do list. Just when I am finally ready to admit that I am, in fact, a total hack and should pack it all in, I am flooded with new soap ideas. AND the energy to make them real. Someone should bottle this Spring stuff. Not in a cocaine type of way. But more in a coconut water or kale salad kind of way. It just feels really really good. It feels like the gig we all signed up for in the beginning, you know?

So, I am working. There are so many new soaps! The salt bar line is out - all palm oil free. They are such cool soaps. Totally different from the rest of my line. It’s a really hard bar with a super rich, almost shaving cream-like lather. The salt exfoliates and balances your skin to leave your hands so smooth. And three new soaps in my traditional line….I think the Coconut Milk with Tangerine and Pink Grapefruit is my prettiest one yet. DUDES. I’ll be at the Lakewood Earth Day Celebration this year….FINALLY! I had a booth lined up in 2020 and we all know what happened there. Finally, we get to smell pretty things in person again! I am working on some more in-person gigs for the summer. And other stuff. Trust me, there is other stuff! It’s all feeling fun again, and well…..I am here for it.

The garden is coming back. I am coming back. I know everything is cyclical and it’s for good reason. Rest is paramount. But I like this waking up stuff, too. I like it a lot.

Look at these baby chives, coming up through all of the debris from last fall. Honestly, I just want to give them a round of applause every dang year when I see this.